Grand Theft Auto VI prepares to shake up the video game world in autumn 2025

Written by Guillaume
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Some video game franchises have a greater impact on their generation than others. Grand Theft Auto is certainly one of these.

Last December, Rockstar Games was forced by an indiscretion - a nice way to talk about a leak - to present the first trailer for its next flagship video game, Grand Theft Auto VI, sooner than expected. A game that logically follows on from Grand Theft Auto V released on September 17, 2013... an eternity ago! Well, " sequel " is an understatement, since the trailer in question confirmed what was almost a given: Grand Theft Auto VI would introduce new protagonists and a new game environment.

The protagonists will be Lucia and Jason, a gangster duo who seem to have an air of Bonnie and Clyde about them. As for the environment, Rockstar Games seems to have kept Vice City, but modernized it considerably, taking advantage of the power of today's machines. That said, if we're talking about Grand Theft Auto VI today, it's not to rehash the information already known from this first trailer. No, with the publication of its latest financial results, Rockstar Games has "dropped a bombshell". Admittedly, this is pushing the envelope, but the information is still interesting.

While there had previously only been talk of a vague " sometime in 2025 ", the release window for Grand Theft Auto VI has been tightened to " autumn 2025 ". Rockstar Games is therefore planning a release between Sunday September 22 and Sunday December 21, 2025, taking full advantage of the previous launch window. Mind you, it's also quite conceivable that the publisher could change its mind and postpone a title on which it's betting big. For the time being, there seems to be no question of a PC version of Grand Theft Auto VI, of which only the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S versions have been announced.