Hardware monitoring service

We will detect for you the temperatures and voltages of the components of your Windows computer.

Configuration history

You do not have any configuration available in base at the moment, you must first perform a detection of your computer components, for this, please go to the section below.


Install our detection agent to display your configuration in detail, here are the 3 steps.
Installation of the detection agent
Click on the "Start Detection" button below and follow the instructions.
Detection of your configuration
Once the agent is installed, you will be prompted to start the detection of your configuration, accept and continue.
View your configuration
Once the detection is complete, a web page will open to list all the components and software on your Windows PC.
The detection will update your currently installed version
Current agent version: 12.0.24
Information about the installation of the agent
A manual installation is sometimes necessary, this action is optional, and will be useful in the following cases:
Installation failure during automatic detection
Installation on a machine other than this one
Use in offline mode

Offline detection

Have you ever performed a detection in offline mode?
You can consult your previous detections at any time, your .dc configuration file must be uploaded either by drag and drop on this area, or via the button opposite.
What is the purpose of physical monitoring?
The hardware monitoring service is integrated into our DriversCloud software, which is 100% homemade. It allows you to collect a lot of information about the health of your PC and to draw up a global view of all the probes and sensors present in your Windows computer. At any time you can see and follow the evolution of the temperature of the processor (CPU), hard disks, RAM, etc. but also see how fast the fans are running, or the voltages delivered to the various components of your system.
When should I use the physical monitoring service?
The DriversCloud agent is installed on your computer and records all information such as temperature, voltage, fan speed, etc. at regular intervals. This makes it possible to prevent a failure by analyzing, for example, a temperature or a voltage that is too high on a component, and to do what is necessary before a malfunction occurs. It also helps to understand why some unexpected crashes occur on your Windows system when everything seems to be in good condition. This tool is therefore very useful to keep a computer reliable and stable over time, but also to give it a longer life by protecting its components from any overheating or overvoltage.
How to interpret the information delivered by the probes and sensors?
Obviously, it is not always easy to interpret the multitude of information collected, how to know if the values are correct? and when can we consider that such or such temperature or voltage can be harmful to the computer? If you're a hacker or a geek, normally you know how to read and interpret this information, but if you don't, the enthusiasts who run our forum will be happy to help you and give you advice on how to maintain your computer properly.


Rest assured, ABSOLUTELY NO private or personal data is retrieved at any time, neither via our detection agent that is installed on your computer, nor via our website, nor in any other way! No malware, virus or spyware is installed without your knowledge!
DriversCloud.com is edited by the company Cybelsoft created in 2004. We have developed our own analysis tools that allow us to detect hardware and software configurations with great precision. Our engine does not rely on any additional tools belonging to third-party companies, so we retain full control of our technology.
The information collected is neither nominative, nor traceable, nor sold to third parties. Although there is no personal data collected, for the sake of extreme confidentiality this information is encrypted on our server. The connection to the server is encrypted in AES256 and secured in HTTPS.
Our site is also secured by the HTTPS protocol, and all the tools developed by us meet the requirements of the RGPD (General Regulation on Data Protection). This site is declared to the CNIL under the receipt number 1986133.
Millions of users have trusted us for all these years, and thanks to all these security measures, to this day no complaint or data leak is to be deplored, privacy is a serious matter that we respect to the letter.