Intel and NVIDIA advance their super sampling technologies through artificial intelligence

Written by Guillaume
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Month after month, oversampling technologies progress and rendering in our favorite games becomes more precise, more pleasing to the eye.

In the graphics card world, there are two schools of thought when it comes to improving the graphics rendering of our games. On the one hand, we have AMD (via FSR), which relies on powerful algorithms, and on the other, we have Intel and NVIDIA, which also make use of algorithms, but are distinguished above all by their abundant use of artificial intelligence for more visually pleasing rendering. Intel's oversampling technologies (XeSS) are more convincing on a strictly graphical level, but it's still NVIDIA that stands out with the most aesthetically pleasing rendering, via DLSS.


And it's Intel and NVIDIA who continue to lead the way, updating their respective technologies to refine things even further. First of all, XeSS has been upgraded to version 1.3, for which Intel has posteda long message on its official blog. XeSS 1.3 is intended to be more powerful, and if the graphics presented by Intel are anything to go by, the technology offers a clear performance boost. In fact, a number of operating modes have been added, from Ultra Performance, which delivers much greater fluidity at the cost of a few visual sacrifices, to Ultra Quality, which focuses on rendering quality. Intel also points out that, more generally, its XeSS technology now benefits from increased temporal stability and reduced ghosting. The result in the image above speaks for itself.


NVIDIA is not to be outdone, however, and DLSS is now in version 3.7, although this is not quite as revolutionary as DLSS 3.5, released a few months ago, and its "ray reconstruction". DLSS 3.7 also focuses on the stability of moving images: it has to be said that this is where the most significant progress can be made, both in terms of scaling algorithms and artificial intelligence. At NVIDIA, the focus is on better handling of displacements, so that the blurring effects induced by DLSS are more limited. The Youtube channel MxBenchmarkPC has produced a video detailing this on one of the hottest games of the moment, Cyberpunk 2077: make up your own mind, but be warned, the differences between DLSS 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 are subtle.