What hardware do I need to play online?

Written by charon
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The world of entertainment has changed dramatically since the arrival of personal computers and the Internet. Indeed, since the late 1990s, this industry, which was mainly rooted in the real world, has rapidly turned to the web, and in particular to everything to do with games. All formats can now be found online, whether video games, board games, cooperative games, card games or simply brain games. Online games are the most popular in the world, as evidenced by the runaway success of a title like GTA V, which has endured for over ten years thanks to its online mode.

What could be more natural when you consider the advantages offered by online games over their physical counterparts? Just a few clicks are all it takes to find a game and opponents of your own level, who can come from all over the world. All this at any time of day or night, with the only requirements being suitable equipment and an Internet connection.

Choosing the right equipment is therefore crucial before launching into your favorite online game. In the next few lines, we'll take a look at the computer purchases you need to make.

Poker: the minimum requirements

Caption: in recent years, online poker has become much more popular than physical poker.

Let's start with what is perhaps the world's most popular online game: poker. This pastime, which originated in the United States a few centuries ago, has adapted perfectly to the digital trend, thanks to online platforms such as Pokerstars that enable players to join a game against opponents from all over the world in just a few clicks.

To play online poker, you don't need to spend a lot of money on hardware. All you need is a smartphone with an Internet connection. For an optimal experience, certain upgrades may be possible, such as a nice 4K screen to be perfectly immersed in the room, or a WIFI router in the place where you play to have the highest possible speed and no possible lag.

Chess, the reign of the mouse

Online chess has exploded in recent years, thanks to platforms such as Lichess that enable you to find opponents with the same elo in a matter of seconds. The Blitz and Rapide formats, which are most often played on the Internet, appeal enormously to new players, who can multiply games in the same day. The French Chess Federation has followed this trend by creating the first French championship open to all.

There are two main ways to play chess online. The first is a simple smartphone with a good Internet connection, enabling you to play games on the most popular applications. But if you want to give it your best shot, we can only advise you to play on a computer. An entry-level laptop will suffice, but you must not compromise on two things: an excellent Internet connection to avoid the slightest slowdown or disconnection, and an excellent mouse to combine speed and precision, particularly in the final seconds of a Blitz.

CS2, a first investment

We end with the type of game that costs the most in terms of hardware: CS2. This tactical, multiplayer FPS will only be enjoyable if you have a relatively powerful computer and, above all, an excellent Internet connection to avoid raising your ping too high.

As far as hardware is concerned, you'll need to invest in a good mouse with a few buttons on it to facilitate certain actions such as aiming, walking, crouching or even the secondary function of a weapon.

A screen with good resolution and, above all, a good display rate can be a real plus. But it's the computer's capacity that really counts. Go for an SSD hard drive, a good processor and, above all, a latest-generation graphics card that will last you for several years and keep up with the latest developments in gaming. In fact, a new GEFORCE RTX 50 is due for release in the next few months.