Epic Games Store ends its "free game a day" with a bang

Written by Guillaume
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Two "big" games to finish off ten days of daily gifts. Thanks Epic.

As we told you on December 21, Epic Games launched a new giveaway campaign on its online PC game store, the aptly named Epic Games Store. It's not really a new thing since the company already launched such an operation last year, but since there's no obligation to do so, we weren't sure if it would be renewed this year. Not only did it happen, but the games offered were generally of high quality.

Thus, it was possible to enjoy games like Metro Last Light Redux, F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch, Severed Steel or Mortal Shell for free, just to name a few. Even better, as the wave of gifts is coming to an end, Epic Games has decided to close the operation on two very nice gifts that you can still buy until 5pm next January 5th. After that, it will be back to the rhythm of one or two free games every week... unless Epic Games changes its rhythm. For the moment, it's Eximius: Seize the Frontline and, above all, Dishonored - Definitive Edition that are available on the Epic Games Store.

However, Epic Games was not the only one to offer gifts during this holiday season, and for a few more hours, it is possible to get Daymare: 1998 for free on GOG. The store had also offered several small gifts throughout the holidays, giving fans the opportunity to get Worms Revolution Gold or King of Seas for example. More than ever, the PC remains the platform where creating a nice little game library is the least expensive.