The first "Moment" update for Windows 11 22H2 is available

Written by Guillaume
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What about a good "Moment" with your favorite operating system?

A little over a month ago, Microsoft said that "Moment" updates would arrive to improve its operating system on a fairly regular basis. The objective of these "moments" is not to come back to critical features or security patches, but rather to bring additional, lighter updates, which will not necessarily be mandatory. On the other hand, they are not useless accessories and the fact that they are lighter should allow them to be deployed more quickly.

As if to put its money where its mouth is, just a few weeks after the deployment of Windows 11 22H2, Microsoft is offering the "Moment 1" update for download, logically the first of these new updates. In fact, we have proof that these updates are not just gimmicks. Thus, after months and months of rumors and other rumors about the integration of tabs in the file explorer, it is now done. In absolute terms, there is nothing very extraordinary and we can easily bring these tabs closer to what everyone knows about Web browsers. The idea is of course to avoid opening several windows and to keep at hand the files we are working on. The tabs open and close in a very simple way, while the Favorites section is enriched with the possibility of pinning the most commonly used files.

In addition to these tabs, the "Moment 1" update finally introduces support for Android applications through the Amazon App Store. Remember that this possibility had been mentioned - and sometimes promised - even before the launch of Windows 11... We almost thought it was too long! At least, Microsoft will have made it possible in one fell swoop in 31 countries and thus opens the way to more than 50,000 applications, a bunch of which are probably of no interest, but let's not be sarcastic. In addition, Microsoft is taking advantage of the update to improve the concept of action suggestions. It is a matter of going a little further in the support of contextual menus with the detection, for example, of phone numbers or dates of appointments in order to propose an access to the most logical applications: Phone Link, Teams, Skype, Calendar ... It also becomes easier and faster to perform certain actions related to these applications: creating a new contact, adding an appointment or an event ..

Among the more anedoctic novelties, we note a better management of the "overflow" of the taskbar with the implementation of a small additional menu to store the programs being executed that no longer "fit". There is also talk of improving the Windows content sharing tool, which is now more capable of detecting nearby devices: it is thus possible to share more effectively from the desktop, the file explorer or different applications such as Photos or Xbox. On the other hand, we note that the possibility of accessing the task manager via a simple right-click on the taskbar - yet present on a preview build - is not yet on the menu. Patience, patience ..