How to update your macOS safely?

Written by charon
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Updating your macOS operating system and software is a great way to keep your Mac secure, but also to ensure optimal performance. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

To update your Mac, you need to make sure that your computer is compatible. In fact, as a reminder and to keep things simple, you can take advantage of free updates for six to seven years and enjoy the latest versions of macOS.

Start by checking that your Mac is eligible for the latest update of its OS, you can do this by visiting the page dedicated to macOS Monterey on the Apple website. For example, you can see that Mac Pro from 2013 are compatible and therefore eligible for this upgrade. If your product is not eligible, you simply will not see the update and you will not be able to upgrade your Mac.

The process is simple, just go to System Preferences, select Software Update and click on Update / Upgrade Now. It is also possible to click on the automatic update of your Mac. It is highly recommended to create a backup point in case something goes wrong during the update. And if you don't have an external drive, consider saving your important data on the Apple iCloud. This will allow you to retrieve it later, no matter where you are.

Not updating your Mac opens the doors to cyberattacks, software and hardware incompatibilities, so it's something to do regularly. Even so, your connection is still susceptible to outside attacks, so it's important to secure your internet connection by using a macOS VPN.

The VPN connection allows you to make your browsing anonymous and secure thanks to an encrypted channel. Remember that the virtual private network allows you to have a different IP address from your connection. Even if Apple products are robust, it is important to protect yourself. Remember that the ramsonware attack REvil took advantage of a flaw in the iCloud with more than 50 million dollars of loss.

If, despite all these precautions, the update does not go well, you have not been able to back up everything and you have lost files, it is possible to use some Mac-compatible software that can recover lost data and restore them. Moreover, these software programs also work to recover data from USB sticks or external disks.