Refurbished license: used software to save money

Written by charon
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Buying a used license can be an opportunity to save money and gain quick access to a catalog of software.

In the same way that used hardware exists, it is possible to buy used software through reissued licenses and benefit from substantial savings.

These licenses can come from companies that no longer need them and resell them en masse, which are recovered by service providers and put back into service.

Prices are based on negotiated upfront fees and license volumes, allowing for deep discounts on most types of software, from productivity tools to operating systems to server applications.

For example, it's possible to find a Windows 10 Pro key for a very low cost compared to an original version.

Reuse unused licenses

Since 2012, legislation has allowed the purchase and sale of used licenses with guarantees and standards to be met. For companies, this can give the opportunity to resell excess software licenses.

This is the case, for example, when moving to Office 365 and its cloud tools. The licenses of locally installed software upstream can then be resold as excess licenses.

Another advantage is the speed of implementation, with software that can be used as soon as the activation key is received.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is best to use the services of repackaged license specialists who can attest to the authenticity of the acquired license and provide advice on the legal framework and even on the functioning of the software itself.