KB5012643, the Windows 11 update you don't want

Written by Guillaume
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Fortunately, this update is optional and should not have caused too much damage to the Windows 11 installed base.

In a very schematic way, there are three main categories of updates for Microsoft's Windows operating systems. First, there are the major updates released once every six months. These updates contain a lot of improvements and are highly recommended. Next to them are the security updates that Microsoft most often imposes because they allow you to plug holes in the system and avoid many problems.

Finally, next to these first two types, there are the so-called "optional" updates and it is precisely on one of them that there has been some kind of problem at Microsoft. The publisher itself advises users to uninstall it without further delay. Called KB5012643, this update actually causes a problem with the functioning of the .NET Framework, a particularly important tool in the Windows environment. As a result of this update, the .NET Framework can no longer run normally and, in turn, all applications that depend on it can no longer run.

In the most extreme cases, the entire machine freezes or refuses to restart. According to the latest information in our possession, the update has been removed and can therefore no longer be installed. However, Microsoft advises those who still have it to uninstall it as soon as possible. Finally, the editor has released a new update - this one mandatory - to correct this problem. KB5013943 should already be available. However, all this is not very serious.