Discover how to create your own logo

Written by charon
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You manage an association or own a company and you want to create a free logo by yourself? Many solutions exist, from the logo generator to the dedicated software, including paid services.

Whether you are a company or an association, the logo embodies your image to the outside world and represents the basis of your visual identity. The idea is to bring the public to memorize efficiently and quickly this graphic image symbolizing your company.

The goal is to seduce, enhance your image, identify your activity and even give a meaning to your company. It also federates your customers and gives a personality to your structure.

Two solutions are available to you, either go through a graphic designer or create your logo yourself. This last solution requires however competences or tools which help you from A to Z.

Before creating a logo yourself, it is important to keep in mind that there are several criteria to take into account for a successful logo. The latter must represent the values of your structure, be easily readable, be simple, usable on any medium whether small or large.

créer soi même un logo

An important criterion is that the latter is in vector form, which allows an adaptation to all sizes and forms of use, and that it is readable as well under a white or colored background. The vector format allows to print a logotype in high definition on any support.

créer logo gratuit

The creation of a logo through a graphic designer is a paying service that can cost a few hundred euros to several tens of millions of euros, like the 2.4 million euros of the ANPE logo! The price varies according to the time of conception and reflection, the number of variations or the transfer of rights.

If you do not have the means, it is also possible to create your own logo for free either via a logo generator or via dedicated paying software such as Adobe Illustrator or Adobe InDesign. Note that there are also alternatives with free software. A simple solution is for example to use web or mobile applications such as Adobe Creative Cloud Express. These sites and applications are often very intuitive and you will have access to a wide range of creative possibilities. You will have the choice among different fonts, images, colors... to get a unique logo, to your image.

Before the design stage, take the time to think it through before you start. The design of a logo is really important and puts at stake the image of your company. There are many design mistakes that can be detrimental such as indicating a different idea than the one you wanted to convey, such as the TGV logo, which when turned around looks like a snail.

création logo

Once you have created your logo, all you have to do is put it on your flyers, websites, posters, banners... and wait for people's reaction!