Soon tabs to navigate in Windows 11 Explorer

Written by Guillaume
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A navigation system for the moment hidden in the options of the latest build of the operating system.

Deployed since a few days to members of the Windows Insider program, the latest version of Windows 11 - build 22572 - is an opportunity to introduce a new feature that Microsoft has not particularly highlighted. It is for the editor to continue in a path traced by builds 22557 and 22563 which already brought new features in the file explorer. This time, Microsoft seems to go even further by offering a tabbed browsing system directly integrated into the explorer.

Relayed by Rafael Rivera via Twitter, the new feature is obviously similar to what is already practiced in Web browsers: in the top bar of the explorer window, it is possible to open several tabs that work as different windows, but associated with each other. In addition, some users have noticed that Microsoft has already implemented a system that is also similar to that of Web browsers: if many tabs are open, two small "arrow" buttons allow you to scroll through the tab bar.

At the moment, the option is only available to members of the Windows Insider program and Windows 11 build 22572. It seems that it is not even activated by default and that it is necessary to go to the settings of the file explorer to make it operational. The question arises as to the future of such a feature: is Microsoft simply testing it before deploying it on a larger scale, or is it just a flash in the pan?

It should be remembered that this is not the editor's first attempt at tabs. Some will remember that with Windows 10, Microsoft had already tried the thing, in 2017. At the time, it was called Windows Sets and it was about bringing tabs to the entire operating system, not just to the file explorer. Various compatibility issues got the better of the attempt and a year later Microsoft explained: " Thank you for your continued support of the test sets. We continue to receive valuable feedback from you as we develop this feature, allowing us to ensure the best possible experience once it is ready for release. Asof this release, we are "pausing" Sets to continue making it great.

No doubt testing continued internally for those few years until tabs were introduced on Windows 11. The question now is whether this rollout will become widespread outside the Windows Insider program. The answer in a few months without doubt.