Open platform and (almost) guaranteed without DRM, GOG distributes many free games

Written by Guillaume
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Formerly called Good Old Games, the Polish dematerialized store allows you to stock up on (old) games for not a cent.

Steam is undoubtedly THE number one platform for video games on PC. Its age, the quality of its software and the richness of its catalog have no equivalent. Recently, the Epic Games Store has been trying to overshadow it with promotions and other free weekly titles, while largely financing many development studios and significantly reducing the royalties it asks them to pay.

Beside these two giants, there are several platforms/software linked to a particular publisher. One thinks in particular of Activision Blizzard's, Electronic Arts' Origin system or Ubisoft's aptly named UbiConnect. Finally, there are platforms that specialize in selling games only and therefore do not really host any games on their servers: we are thinking here of stores like Green Man Gaming or Gamer's Gate, to name just two.

In the middle of all this, there is GOG. The Polish structure is a real PC game platform and not just a store. It is close to CD Projekt RED and the studio's games are well represented, but it operates independently and has made a specialty of old video game glories and titles without any digital lock (DRM), those little programs that serve to validate the fact that you own the game, but that sometimes cause a lot of problems. On GOG, once a game is purchased, it is on our "remote" game library, but it is also possible to download it to keep it on our hard disk in an "installable" version and without ever needing to connect to the Net. Perfect in case of a connection failure or when you go on vacation.

To make matters worse, GOG also has the good taste to multiply promotions, even sometimes on rather recent games. At the moment, however, the platform goes further than just promotions and, on a dedicated page, it lists 30 totally free titles that you can add to your account and download as much as you like. Of course, there are quite a few titles that have already been offered in the past, but the list is still worth a look because it contains timeless hits like Beneath a Steel Sky or Lure of the Temptress, but also because it offers more recent games like Loria (2018), Symphonia (2020) or Samorost 1 (2021).