Choosing your computer equipment: what are the points not to neglect?

Written by charon
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The choice of computer equipment is not limited to the screen and the central unit, far from it. Other elements come into play, such as the chair, but also the desk. We therefore suggest you to take a look at the things not to neglect when choosing your computer equipment.

The chair, to avoid back pain

Choosing a comfortable and ergonomic office chair is important to avoid back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). When sitting, your back should be at a 90° angle to your shins and your feet should be flat on the floor. To do this, your seat must be adjustable in several ways: in seat height, but also in terms of armrests and backrest. Regarding the latter, it is generally advisable to choose a chair where it will go up to the shoulders.

The desk, an important choice

Choosing the right computer equipment also means choosing the right desk. In the same way as for the chair, make sure you choose one that is ergonomic. Today, height-adjustable desks are popular because they allow you to alternate between sitting and standing. They help to fight against sedentary lifestyle, as well as RSI and you can change it according to your activities.

Choose your screen so as not to tire your eyes

The screen you choose will depend on the use you will make of it. Thus, a photographer or a gamer will focus on the graphic rendering and the definition of the screen, while those who prefer to watch series will privilege the immersion through HD or 4K. The size of the screen will depend on the space you have available. It will have to be adapted to you in order not to tire your eyes. Also make sure you have the necessary distance to enjoy the image to the fullest.

The graphics card, for a better rendering

The graphics card is an internal element of your computer. Depending on the use you make of it, it is more than advisable to choose a high-performance card with a recent GPU. To do this, look at the following elements. Memory, which plays an important role in the performance of a graphics card. It stores the data that is used to make images, so you will need to pay attention to its operating frequency and the width of the communication bus. Also consider how your graphics card will fit into your PC. Be aware that the power supply has special connectors and that it will also have to supply power to other peripherals.