Intel on the right track: Lunar Lake and Arrow Lake detailed at Computex 2024

Written by Guillaume
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The next two generations of Intel processors will be presented at the Taipei Tech Show, but to varying degrees of course.

According to Intel's plans, not one but two processor lines will be launched by the American brand at the end of 2024: Lunar Lake, aimed at the notebook market, and Arrow Lake, which should reach all market segments, but with a focus on desktop processors. Logically, these two ranges will not be released together, and - Intel is no fool - should compete with each other as little as possible, thanks to a well-oiled communication/launch plan. A few indiscretions from the VideoCardz site provide us with several confirmations.


Firstly, Intel intends to launch the Lunar Lake generation to succeed Meteor Lake in the third quarter of 2024. Note, however, that as these are processors for laptops, the launch will probably take place in two stages: first Intel, which will present its processors, and then the American brand's partner manufacturers, who will launch their computers. Things are likely to move very quickly now, with multiple presentations by Intel during Computex Taiwan (June 4-7 in Taipei) and manufacturers showcasing their machines before the actual launch a few weeks later.


In particular, Lunar Lake is expected to make a significant contribution to graphics, with an integrated solution estimated to be 1.5 times faster than that on Meteor Lake. Lunar Lake should also enable Intel to offer very low-power chips for a wide variety of computer formats and purposes. VideoCardz points out, however, that Computex should also be an opportunity for Intel to talk about Arrow Lake. " This is because, while Intel intends to raise the profile of the Arrow Lake generation, on which it has high hopes, it has no intention of overshadowing Lunar Lake. First things first, you might say.