AMD looks set to complete its Radeon RX 7000 range with two releases in September

Written by Guillaume
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In all, we should be able to count on five distinct references before the end of the summer.

Since the release of the first new-generation GeForce - the RTX 4090 - NVIDIA has been rather active. Perhaps not as much as on previous generations, but far more than its long-standing rival, AMD. Indeed, since October and the release of this RTX 4090, NVIDIA has marketed the GeForce RTX 4080, RTX 4070 Ti, RTX 4070, RTX 4060 Ti 8 GB, RTX 4060 and, finally, RTX 4060 Ti 16 GB. In all, NVIDIA's offer comprises seven RTX 4000 references, while AMD's is limited to just three models. AMD did try to compete with NVIDIA by releasing the Radeon RX 7900XT and RX 7900XTX just two months after the RTX 4090, but that's about it.

Radeon RX 7900XT and Radeon RX 7900XTX

We had to wait almost six months for Lisa Su - AMD's CEO - to officially announce the release of a third model. While gamers were expecting to discover a competitor to the RTX 4070, it was an entry-level model that arrived, the Radeon RX 7600 being there to try and take the wind out of NVIDIA's sails. The GeForce developer had no cards approaching the price of the RX 7600, and had to rely on its previous generation to counter AMD's offensive. However, it didn't take much more than a month for the RTX 4060 to appear, setting the record straight: slightly more expensive than the Radeon, this new GeForce was also slightly more powerful. Back to square one for AMD.

For the confrontation to be complete, AMD must have equipment capable of competing in most market segments. At the ultra-high end of the market, AMD has more or less given up, and doesn't seem intent on launching a competitor to the RTX 4090. In the mid-range, on the other hand, AMD has - no pun intended - a card to play. If the latest rumors are to be believed, we should be able to find out at Gamescom. AMD should take advantage of the German gaming trade show to confirm the Radeon RX 7700XT and RX 7800XT. The presentation will take place in Cologne between August 23 and 27, and the products will go on sale in September.


These latest rumors are relayed by Videocardz, which also provides us with the specifications of these two cards. The RX 7800XT will feature 3840 stream processors and 16 GB GDDR 6 for a bandwidth of 624 GB/s and a TDP of 260 watts. Logically less powerful, the second seems more uncertain. We're talking here only about a range from 3072 to 3456 stream processors and 12 GB of GDDR 6 video memory. The interface bus drops to 192-bit, leading to a bandwidth of 468 GB/s. Finally, the TDP drops a little further, to 240 watts. This promises to be an exciting match-up, if AMD can keep up with NVIDIA on the price front.