AMD and Bethesda launch Starfield + Ryzen/Radeon bundles

Written by Guillaume
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Bundles are becoming increasingly rare for processors and graphics cards, but AMD has scored a coup.

As we reported just a few days ago, AMD and Bethesda have signed a partnership to offer the latter's event game as a gift to purchasers of the former's processors and graphics cards. The event game in question is none other than Starfield, designed by Todd Howard, one of the main designers of the Elder Scrolls series. Scheduled for release on September 6, it's sure to be one of this year's end-of-year titles, even if it's not currently scheduled to land on PlayStation 5, due to Xbox Series exclusivity (Bethesda is a studio of Xbox developer Microsoft).

On the PC, no problem, not only is Starfield on the cards, but as we mentioned earlier, it will also be the subject of a special partnership between Bethesda, its development studio, and AMD, keen to promote its latest generations of Ryzen CPUs and Radeon RX GPUs. Technically speaking, the partnership between the two companies will result in support for FidelityFX Super Resolution, the super-sampling system developed by AMD to simplify the graphics card's calculations: the latter produces a 1080p rendering (for example), but powerful algorithms take care of scaling the image so that it is displayed in 1440p. The result, although a little less good than on competitor NVIDIA's DLSS, is already impressive.

AMD couldn't be satisfied with a technical partnership, so it was decided that purchasers of a recent AMD CPU or GPU would receive a free version of the Starfield game. There are a number of points to bear in mind here, starting with the fact that your purchase must be recent, very recent in fact: the offer starts on July 11, 2023, and if your AMD product was purchased before that date... you're in for a complete makeover! However, even if your equipment was/will be purchased "on time", you should be careful: the Starfield code request is made via this page set up by AMD, and once you've received the code, it's best not to delay, as it will no longer be functional from October 28, 2023.

It's also important to note that two offers are in fact being put in place by AMD. The first concerns the premium edition of the Starfield game and requires the purchase of a Ryzen 9 79×0 processor or a Radeon RX 67xx, 68xx, 69xx, 79xx graphics card. The second is limited to the standard edition of Bethesda's game, and is offered with the purchase of a Ryzen 5 56xx / Ryzen 7 7xxx processor or a Radeon RX 66xx or 76xx graphics card. Finally, AMD concludes its announcement with a little update on the hardware requirements for Bethesda's game... and speaking only of AMD hardware, of course!

Three configurations are mentioned, depending on whether you plan to play in 1080p, 1440p or 2160p. In the first case, a Ryzen 5 7600 processor and a Radeon RX 7600 graphics card are mentioned; for 1440p, a Ryzen 7 7700X processor and a Radeon RX 6800 graphics card are "requested". Finally, to play in 4K - or more precisely, in 2160p - you need at least a Ryzen 7 7800X3D processor and a Radeon RX 7900XT graphics card.