No less than three new GeForce graphics cards in the coming weeks?

Written by Guillaume
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While NVIDIA has been rather cautious about moving down the line, it is now stocking up on GeForce RTX 4000s.

Largely due to large inventories of GeForce RTX 3000 GPUs-perhaps also due to a relative shortage on the production side-NVIDIA has been taking its time rolling out the entire GeForce RTX 4000 line. The RTX 4090 model was released last October, and then we had to wait about six weeks to see the RTX 4080 and then another six weeks for a third model - the RTX 4070 Ti - still close to 1,000 euros. The relative democratization only came last April with the launch of the RTX 4070, the first Ada Lovelace card at less than 750 euros.

So it took a little over half a year for NVIDIA's RTX 4000 catalog to grow to four separate cards... but things are about to get a lot faster, according to information gathered by Videocardz. Before the end of May, we should be able to count on the launch of the GeForce RTX 4060 Ti in its 8GB version. It will be NVIDIA's true entry-level Ada Lovelace model and, as with every RTX xx60, it will be NVIDIA's first recommendation for a serious start in PC gaming.


It won't be alone for long, however. Videocardz says that the graphics card will be officially unveiled in a few days and that NVIDIA will take the opportunity to present the next two RTX 4000 cards it plans to release. There is talk of a GeForce RTX 4060 Ti with 16GB of video memory and a GeForce RTX 4060. The former would logically be a slightly more muscular version of the first RTX 4060 Ti, and should arrive in the second half of July. In the first half of July, the RTX 4060, the youngest of the range, is scheduled to arrive.