Nintendo Switch: which one is right for you?

Written by charon
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Which Switch console is right for you: three models, three possibilities.

Switch Classic, Lite, OLED are the three models of the hybrid console of Nintendo. If you're looking to buy one and don't know which one to choose for your use

for your use, then here's a comparison of the different Switch models to help you narrow down your choice:

Game modes

The Lite version was created only to be portable because the Joy-Con are not detachable. But if you're a fan of portable consoles and prefer to play alone, this console is totally made for you.

The OLED and Classic versions can be used in two different ways, either in portable mode or connected to a TV. They come with a docking station.


The Switch OLED and the Classic have a good autonomy which is superior to the Lite. The OLED has a better storage capacity (64 GB). The Switch has the possibility to extend the storage capacity up to 2Tb by adding a microSD. The OLED also has a larger screen, better quality and a wider stand, which greatly improves the comfort of play.

In terms of autonomy, the Lite has a slightly lower autonomy. It takes a maximum of 7 hours to exhaust the battery. As for the classic switch and the OLED, you can play for 9 hours without interruption.


Between 190 € for the Switch Lite and 350 € for the Switch OLED, there is something for every budget.