Roidmi Eve Plus: the robot vacuum cleaner with automatic emptying at a low price

Written by charon
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The competition of robot vacuum cleaners is raging, and every interesting innovation can be a great asset to stand out, this is the case of the Roidmi Eve Plus.

Today, the ROIDMI Eve Plus vacuum cleaner is enjoying a great discount on Darty.

The vacuum cleaner is round and made of plastic. On the top, we note the presence of a laser rangefinder and three buttons, one for localized cleaning, another to make it return to its base and a last one to launch the cleaning in manual mode. When the vacuum cleaner is turned over, it is equipped with a roller that alternates between silicone and bristles, and two rotating brushes on each side.

In addition, it has a 300 ml dust tank that is automatically emptied into its capacity automatically empties into its refill base via a sophisticated system. The refill base is equipped with an automatic emptying system with a capacity of 3 liters allowing approximately 60 days of autonomy, thus avoiding the chore of emptying the dust container of the robot after each use. In addition, there is a small screen that informs you of the progress of the bin filling.

It also has an innovative sterilization and deodorization system that works automatically after the dust is removed. The deodorizing particle generator uses a HEPA filter and active oxygen technology (often used for sterilizing medical equipment) to effectively treat waste: sterilizing common household pests such as dust mites, microbes such as Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, toxic chemicals such as ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, and TVOCs, and eliminating the smell of cigarettes and perfumes.

In terms of its capabilities, it has a strong suction of 2700 PA and a 5200 mAh battery that provides two hours of autonomy for an area of about 250 m². The vacuum cleaner is associated with the application of the manufacturer. The latter allows you to display the maps generated by the vacuum cleaner and to control it. You also have the option of placing invisible walls, or selecting the rooms you want to be cleaned first.

On Darty, the ROIDMI Eve Plus vacuum cleaner is at a discounted price of €436 with free shipping. More details on the official website of ROIDMI.