A simple wheel movement to adjust the sound of Windows?

Written by Guillaume
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It seems so simple that one wonders why no one thought of it earlier or at least developed a tool to do it.

To change the sound of our PC, there are several solutions. First of all, we can obviously adjust the output volume of the speakers we use through a few well-placed buttons or a remote control, depending on the system used. In the case of headphones, it is also possible to have a small remote control to adjust things. Other users appreciate the shortcuts found on many keyboards: better yet, some models have dedicated keys or a multimedia wheel to change the output volume of the PC.

Of course, the last and most "logical" method is to change the output volume directly from the Windows interface. In the notification area of the operating system, there is indeed this little speaker that allows you to access the configuration options of the PC audio environment. A simple click on it displays a slider to change the output volume. Since Windows 7, the slider can be changed by turning the mouse wheel, but Microsoft has just made it (a little) easier.

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Indeed, a minor change has just been made to Windows 11 that allows you to change the sound, still by turning the mouse wheel, but without needing to click on the speaker in the notification area: you just have to place the mouse cursor on the speaker so that the rotation of the wheel acts on the volume. This is obviously not revolutionary - it only saves one mouse click - but we are still surprised that nobody thought of it earlier.

Note, however, that the function is not yet active on all Windows 11. Probably the time to test its operation on a smaller scale, Microsoft has for the moment deployed it only on build 22478 reserved for members of the Windows Insider program. No doubt that the thing will be generalized in a short time.