Microsoft confirms the end of Windows 10X, but keeps many technologies

Written by Guillaume
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The end of a software does not mean throwing away everything that has been developed around it.

Ten days ago, we told you that Microsoft was not really planning to release Windows 10X anymore. Several rumors converged in the same direction, but did not yet clearly mention the pure and simple cancellation of this particular version of Windows based on the modular Windows Core OS. This is now done and by Microsoft itself, which is taking advantage of the publication ofan article devoted to the May 2021 update of Windows 10 to confirm the thing and explain how the work done on Windows 10X is not lost on everyone.

Indeed, John Cable, the vice president of Windows program management, service and delivery, emphasizes that the decision was made after a long year of " exploration and discussions with customers. Discussions of a nature to completely rethink the direction of Windows 10X. John Cable explains that " windows 10X technology could be useful in more ways and reach more customers than we had originally imagined," he said 10X technology should not be limited to a subset of customers".

John Cable then confirms the decision made by Microsoft: " Instead of releasing a product called Windows 10X in 2021 as we had originally planned, we are learning from our work and accelerating the integration of fundamental 10X technology into other parts of Windows and the company's products. In fact, some of this is already reflected in the core of Windows through the Windows Insider Program builds. This is the case, for example, with the newlogy that we're building into products like Microsoft Defender Application Guard, an improved voice input experience, and a modernized touch keyboard with resized keys, enhanced sounds, colors and animations. Our teams continue to invest in areas where 10X technology will help meet our customers' needs and evaluate both software and hardware technology experiences that will benefit them in the future."

In other words, Windows 10X is dead and buried, but many of the technologies implemented around this variation of Microsoft's flagship OS will survive it.