Microsoft upgrades Edge to version 89: faster, more convenient

Written by Guillaume
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The new version of Microsoft Edge has some nice new features, starting with a significantly more efficient startup.

As usual, Microsoft has commented on the new features of the latest version of its Edge browser. Remember that the latter, launched in July 2015, was intended to replace Internet Explorer in clear loss of speed. However, the success was not totally there and Microsoft decided to completely revise its formula with the "New Microsoft Edge" based on the Chromium engine, like many other browsers. Since then, the successive updates have been mainly aimed at distinguishing itself from these "other browsers".

Thus, the latest update of the browser - version 89 - should allow to speed up the launch of the software. Microsoft, as usual, gives an update on this version througha long message on its official blog. Liat Ben-Zur, vice president at Microsoft, explains that with this new version, " the first tests show that the startup time is improved between 29% and 41% " after a restart of the PC. The idea is to speed up what is called cold start, the browser being one of the most used applications on a computer.

Another new feature, Microsoft Edge allows, like Opera and Vivaldi, the placement of tabs on the left of the browser, arranged vertically. This is obviously only an option and not a default setting. The objective here is obviously to gain a little space in height while taking advantage of the space available on wide screens (16:9, 21:9, 32:9) when Internet sites may not occupy the entire width of the monitor. Finally, Microsoft underlines a redesign of the access to the browsing history which will no longer be in a dedicated and distinct page, but integrated in a pane placed on the right of the screen.