No new GeForce in June, but a ROG Ally "2024" console: leaks from ASUS

Written by Guillaume
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Computex will be the occasion for many announcements, with ASUS opening the ball in a way.

In early June - from Tuesday 4th to Friday 7th to be exact - Computex will be held in Taipei, on the island of Taiwan. This is one of the world's most important electronics events, and of course all the major players in the sector will be on hand to present their latest trends and products. It's still too early for the official program, but the VideoCardz site has got its hands on an internal ASUS document detailing what the company has in store for this Computex. And there are a few surprises in store.

First and foremost, while some rumors suggested the announcement of new GeForce graphics cards - the RTX 50 or "Blackwell" - ASUS has no plans to present products of this type. NVIDIA will undoubtedly have some announcements to make, but probably not in this area. This is hardly surprising, given that GeForce products are usually presented at specific NVIDIA events. On the other hand, in addition to a host of accessories (headsets, keyboards, mice), ASUS is planning to introduce new power supplies and notebooks. Nothing but logic.


No, the surprise comes from this " Gaming (NV) - ROG Ally 2024 " line. For several weeks now, rumors have been circulating that ASUS might soon follow up on its ROG Ally handheld console, launched in June 2023. One of the company's executives had even hinted at a new addition to the range in the course of 2024, but until an official announcement was made, it was hard to believe. As we've just said, the ROG Ally wasn't launched until June 2023, so it's hard to imagine ASUS releasing a new version just yet. Valve and its Steam Deck, for example, have no intention of renewing the product for some time yet... and this, despite the Steam Dek being a year older than the ROG Ally.

That said, Valve has launched a new version of the Steam Deck, the Steam Deck OLED. The redesign is only very partial, since the chassis remains the same, as does the general architecture, and even the central processor is only a slightly reworked version of the same power. The Steam Deck OLED does, however, bring unquestionable improvements, such as this OLED panel and a higher-capacity battery. Perhaps ASUS has the same improvements in mind?