DriversCloud simplifies machine detection with disposable accounts

Written by charon
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About a month ago, DriversCloud introduced a major feature: machine detection directly on the website, without going through the application. However, this advance required the creation of a permanent account. Today, we're delighted to announce a new development: the integration of disposable accounts.

Here's what you need to know:

  1. Disposable accounts: For occasional users, DriversCloud now offers disposable accounts. These accounts have a maximum lifetime of 48 hours. No need to enter e-mail addresses, passwords or usernames. Just click on the "Use without account" button in the login dialog.
  2. Accessible functions: All DriversCloud site functions remain available, with the exception of e-mail notifications. Once the disposable account has expired, all associated data is automatically deleted, and the user is logged out of both the application and the site. Actions taken on the site are not lost after expiration.
  3. Technical Improvements: In addition to this new feature, DriversCloud has optimized the password recovery system to provide more relevant error messages. In addition, machine association errors are now better handled when the web browser doesn't support certain features.

This update is designed to make DriversCloud even more intuitive and convenient for all users. Try out this new feature now for your next machine analysis!