Illegal AIDA64 licenses sold with its products: Lamptron doesn't bother with morality

Written by Guillaume
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Lamptron has not purchased any of the licenses it distributes with its various PC cooling/monitoring products.

Last February, we reported on the ST060, a heatsink for our processors designed by Chinese company Lamptron. The product was distinguished by the presence of a large LCD screen on top of the heatsink block. Yes, a screen with a 6-inch diagonal slab capable of displaying Full HD images on a simple heat sink! Lamptron's idea was to "offer" a PC monitoring system placed directly on the cooler, the screen being used to broadcast information on processor temperature, fan rotation speed... in fact everything that the AIDA64 software is able to pick up and redirect to the panel. In fact, Lamptron relies on the famous FinalWire software to retrieve and display all this information. The problem is that the ST060 costs a whopping 299.99 euros.

That said, we've just learned that this isn't the ST060's only problem. In fact, the problem is not limited to this ventirad, but extends to all Lamptron products. As German Youtuber Der8auer explains in his latest video, it's the very workings of this Chinese company that are more than "borderline". A specialist in computer hardware and everything to do with overlocking and cooling, he logically wanted to try out the ST060, which Lamptron seems to have supplied without any difficulty. However, while trying to update the AIDA64 software, Der8auer realized that the license supplied by Lamptron was considered " invalid " by the FinalWire publisher's servers. To find out for sure, Der8auer contacted Lamptron and FinalWire before buying a whole bunch of Lamptron products, each one delivered with an AIDA64 license.

Systematically, the license in question was announced as " invalid " by FinalWire's update servers. This could no longer be a coincidence. Lamptron was unable to explain itself, and Der8auer was given the final word by FinalWire, who explained that Lamptron had only purchased one license of the AIDA64 software. On the products that the Chinese brand distributes worldwide, these are keys generated by perfectly illegal tools, keygens. Lamptron's reputation has taken a hit: it's hard to trust a company that steals the work of a software publisher in this way, but even more embarrassing is that Lamptron is putting its own customers in difficulty by acting in this way. Indeed, depending on the country of residence of said customers, the purchase of a Lamptron product with an invalid license can be assimilated to receiving stolen goods, an activity which logically falls under the law. Nice.