QR code generator coming soon to Windows 11

Written by Guillaume
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A new feature designed to simplify the transfer of files and links within the operating system.

Just released on the Windows 11 beta channel, build 22635.3420 is the occasion for a little surprise. While Microsoft is accustomed to testing new features on builds reserved for the Canary and Devs channels, this build 22635.3420 features a new feature that, as Neowin explains, could prove very useful for those used to QR codes and the Edge web browser.


Indeed, if you come across a specific site or page that you like and want to share with your friends/acquaintances, nothing could be simpler. From the browser, simply right-click anywhere on the page in question. Then select "share" from the context menu to generate a QR code. This can be done even more simply by first going to the browser settings. Here, you can validate an option so that the sharing function takes the form of a toolbar icon.

Another notable improvement to the sharing function in build 22635.3420 is that it is no longer possible to close the sharing window by mistake. To confirm closure, it is now necessary to click on the inevitable little cross in the top right-hand corner of the window. Finally, it's worth noting that while the sharing functionality is not much more practical than the Link to Windows application for Android users, iPhone owners will be delighted by the simplicity of the function.