State of play: how will France position itself in the sports betting industry in 2024?

Written by charon
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As we all know, today's sporting passions are often intertwined with the excitement of online gambling. Sports betting, an activity that fuses the thrill of competition with the suspense of chance, has always held a special place in the hearts of sports fans and gambling enthusiasts alike. But what is France's current role in this dynamic, booming industry?

An ever-growing global market

In recent years, the sports betting market has undergone considerable expansion both nationally and internationally. New technologies and the democratization of the Internet have contributed to the emergence of numerous online platforms enabling you to place your bets all over the world on the sporting events of your choice.

In the USA, sports betting has been one of the major contributors to growth in the online gaming sector, generating $10.92 billion in revenues, a spectacular 44.5% increase on 2022. This growth was made possible by the introduction of five new sports betting markets in 2023: Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Nebraska and Ohio, which together generated $1.49 billion in revenues.

What about the situation in France?

In France, sports betting is also booming. Since the law of May 12, 2010, opening up the online gambling sector to competition, many private operators have set up shop in France.

French sports betting sites stand out for the quality of their odds on major national and international sporting events. For example, during the recent Euro 2024 handball final between France and Denmark, bookmakers were confident that Les Bleus would win, despite a highly competitive Danish team. This favorable prognosis is the result of an in-depth analysis of the performances achieved by each team throughout the competition.

French sports betting sites are putting their faith in Cédric Doumbé as the favorite to win the bout between Baysangur Baki Chamsoudinov and Cédric Doumbé at PFL Paris 2. Analyses and odds are regularly updated for this type of event, enabling punters to make informed choices before betting their money.

French legislation governing sports betting

While the sports betting market seems to be flourishing in France, it should be emphasized that it also benefits from strict supervision by French legislation. The National Gaming Authority (ANJ ) is the body that regulates and controls gaming operators, guaranteeing a highly secure offering for punters.

While offering consumers a dynamic and competitive market, France remains firmly committed to combating the potential dangers of excessive or compulsive gambling. The French legal framework aims to prevent addiction and protect consumers against the risks of fraud.