First salvo of bug fixes.

Written by charon
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1709462178*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
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I've started fixing the most important bugs that have come to my attention. Here is the list:

  • Text corrections on the site and agent.
  • When a detection module crashes, detection continues but is supposed to log the error, which was no longer the case. Now the error is recovered and a message is displayed on the configuration page informing the user that a module has failed.
  • There was a permissions problem with drivers downloaded by the semi-automatic driver installation service. I assigned full rights to all users on the downloaded files.
  • When installing the agent on a new, unauthenticated installation, the service took several seconds to start up.
  • When updating the agent, the installer window was displayed in the background. Unable to solve the problem simply, I added a descriptive sentence in the progress bar indicating to check the taskbar. However, this message will not appear until the next update.
  • Big problem corrected yesterday on the site. There was a problem setting the maximum number of connections. Some connections were failing. It was also blocking external connections between other services, such as the internal news platform.
  • I'd also like to remind you that the problem with the OVH mail server has been resolved. It is necessary to validate your account if you created it during the outage over the last 4 days. Otherwise your account will be deleted, which may already be the case for some people. In this case, you will need to create a new account. A red box on the site pages will allow you to resend the validation e-mail.

Thanks to all those who let me know about bugs :) .