Microsoft on PlayStation and Switch: four games to launch the machine

Written by Guillaume
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Four games to expand the Xbox Game Studios catalog to the Japanese platforms of Nintendo and Sony.

A mere rumor just a few weeks ago, Microsoft's arrival on the platforms of its main competitors was confirmed by the company itself on February 15. At the time, Microsoft announced its intention to take a serious turn without abandoning its own consoles. The Xbox Game Studios owner's idea was therefore to offer some of its franchises on PlayStation and Switch machines. Nintendo first confirmed this at its latest Nintendo Direct on February 21, before Microsoft clarified things a little further.

Initially, there will be no question of porting the most popular franchises from Xbox consoles, such as Forza Motorsport, but these aren't just second-rate titles being ported to the competition's machines. Pentiment is the first game to be adapted in this way: available on February 21, the game is released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Switch. A little over a month later, it's the turn of Hi-Fi Rush, which will only be released on PlayStation 5 on March 19.

For the rest of the festivities, we'll have to wait until April - which just goes to show that Microsoft isn't pulling out all the stops just yet - with Grounded on the 16th and Sea of Thieves on the 30th. The former will be playable on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Switch, while Rare's MMO will only be available on PlayStation 5. These four games will expand Microsoft's multi-support catalog, which is mainly made up of Activision/Blizzard games(Call of Duty, Diablo, Overwatch) and the inevitable Minecraft.