No Windows 12 just yet, but Windows 11 24H2 will be on Microsoft's menu

Written by Guillaume
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The idea of a new Windows may no longer be on the agenda at Microsoft, which is first working on the 24H2 update for Windows 11. First things first.

The Windows revival has been talked about for months. For a while, it was only a question of continuing with Windows 11 updates, and it's been a while now since Microsoft even announced that Windows 10 would be the last Windows, and that it would only be a question of successive updates. However, throughout 2023, rumors have been circulating about the possible arrival of Windows 12. Microsoft then had in mind to overhaul a large part of its operating system this year, in 2024.

Windows Latest

In a new twist, Panos Panay finally left Microsoft last September, and with him went any chance of a "brand new" Windows for 2024. Indeed, the former head of the Windows division was poached by Amazon to work on Alexa/Echo products. Logically, Microsoft wasted no time in finding a replacement for him in the person of Yusuf Mehdi, who is said to have been keen not to rush Windows 12. Last December, a rumor even emerged that Microsoft might be thinking of another name for its new OS.

At Microsoft, the time is no longer ripe for Windows 12, or whatever name it might be called, so it's only natural that the 24H2 update for Windows 11 has begun to make headlines. Windows Central points out that Yusuf Mehdi's idea is to put his stamp more clearly on the development of the future of Windows: this will continue with Windows 12, but it starts now with Windows 11 24H2, which Windows Latest reports as confirmed by Microsoft.

Windows Latest has managed to get its hands on internal Microsoft documents, designed primarily for developers, confirming nothing less than the release of Windows 11 24H2 by the end of this year.