Logitech G29 gaming wheel heavily discounted on Amazon!

Written by charon
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Good deal alert: if you're looking for a quality gaming wheel, now's the time to take advantage, as the Logitech G29 is currently on special offer.

Today, we're focusing on the Logitech G29 gaming wheel , which is currently on special offer on Amazon.

However, if you want to check out the various prices, you can find the best gaming wheels on the various comparisons available on the net.

Featuring pedals and dual-motor force feedback, the Logitech G29 is an ergonomic steering wheel for PlayStation 5, PS4, PC and Mac that delivers a hyper-realistic driving experience. Accelerate, brake and shift just like in a real car, with adjustable pedals.

The Driving Force function enables it to rotate through 900°.

Controls are located in the center of the steering wheel, with gearshift indicator lights, directional cross, gearshift paddles and customizable buttons.

Sturdy mountings ensure stability and less jolting, for a smooth ride. It's pleasant to the touch thanks to its hand-stitched leather covering, and the shifter and components are made of stainless steel.

The Logitech G29 gaming wheel is priced at €279.98 on Amazon instead of €419 on the official Logitech website, a 33% discount.