LDLC reseller decides to extend warranty from two to three years

Written by Guillaume
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Number one of the computer resellers in France, LDLC wants to take the competition by surprise.

Owner of the LDLC stores of course as well as the websites LDLC.com and LDLC.pro, the LDLC group also owns the brands Materiel.net and TopAchat.com. The company has been growing since the end of the 90's and seems to take a lot of pleasure in thinking outside the box. Thus, in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, its boss announced the implementation of a four-day week for his employees. Laurent de la Clergie now makes the group's employees work "only" 32 hours a week, while others dream of putting an end to the 35-hour week.

Today, it is not a question of making a new gesture towards the employees, but rather to please the group's customers. Indeed, while the legal guarantee in France and in Europe is 2 years, LDLC announces to increase it to 3 years without any compensation. With the competition, in order to benefit from a three-year warranty, you often have to take a one-year extension, which makes the product much more expensive. This is not the case here, although the measure has actually been applied since April 27th and LDLC announces that it concerns " the whole LDLC catalog " with two notable exceptions: cartridges and toners in the consumables section, as well as everything concerning second-hand products. For the latter, the legal guarantee is only twelve months and LDLC does not intend to go beyond that. There is actually a third exception, but it is not really about products from the LDLC catalog: all items sold, via the marketplace, by partners.

Often praised for the quality of its service and all its benefits - beyond the only price on which it is difficult to match the international discounters - LDLC intends to score more points since this "warranty extension" is valid for products purchased on the LDLC.com site as well as LDLC.pro, but also in stores. LDLC concludes its announcement by explaining that it is about going " in the direction of the customer and a longer life for the products: an additional year of free repairs, that is not to be refused ". Not wrong.