Unusual: a fascinating LEGO machine drops/raises 1,500 dominoes per minute

Written by Guillaume
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Far from being the only attraction for children, LEGOs are giving many adults an engineering fever.

Two months ago, Grant Davis posted an amazing video on his YouTube channel of a domino falling/rising machine... made entirely from LEGO parts! We are obviously far from the mini-figures of your childhood - pirates, spacemen, knights... - but also far from the most sold LEGO boxes today - Star Wars, Ninjago or Harry Potter - since the pieces used by Grant Davis belong rather to the Technic universe which has always allowed to make the little grey cells of the most clever amateurs work.

Motors, axles, gears in all directions, the wonders created by some fanatics are really amazing and even if we are not in the computer world, we could not resist to present you the work of Grant Davis... and, even more, that of Jason Allemann. For the YouTube channel Brickworks, the German actually designed a machine that is visually less impressive, but even more efficient than Grant Davis' and, yes, it's still about making those damn dominoes fall/rise.

Relayed by Clubic, the video of this incredible machine has something we find fascinating at DriversCloud. You have to see how everything has been thought to fit together perfectly, to print just the right amount of force and to adjust the overall timing very precisely. But there is also the "record" because if Grant Davis' machine acts on ten dominoes every seven seconds - that is 120,000 dominoes per day - Jason Allemann's machine pulverizes the performance with 1,500 dominoes per minute or, to be more comparable, 2 million dominoes per day.

In absolute terms, all this "intellectual energy" is spent in pure waste and this is the magic of the LEGO universe: thousands of enthusiasts who challenge themselves simply for the pleasure of making surprising/magical/impressive constructions.