Peripheral manufacturer Corsair launches PC configuration tool

Written by Guillaume
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Corsair PC Builder is a site that allows you to choose among many components to build your own gaming PC.

Founded in 1994 in Fremont, California, Corsair is still a relatively young company compared to the big names in the PC world. It has made a name for itself by offering high-quality components, primarily designed for high-performance enthusiasts. For many years, by integrating the best chips from manufacturers such as Siemens or Samsung, Corsair offered RAM modules considered by many to be the best in the business.

Subsequently, the American company sought to diversify. It extended its operations to various areas from power supplies to keyboards and gaming mice, including headphones, cooling systems, SSDs and cases. In the end, Corsair even came to offer complete, particularly compact machines called Corsair One. Today, however, the manufacturer is going one step further by launching a new site called Corsair PC Builder.

The idea of this site is to allow the creation of one's own machine by choosing all the components, one by one, and then letting Corsair assemble it all. Afterwards, it should also be possible to start from existing models to customize them or to load configurations recommended by various actors. As things stand, you have to choose the components you want with one idea in mind: to allow everyone to "assemble" their own machine.

Corsair is not satisfied with just providing numerous references, it must also guide, almost advise users to achieve the "ideal" machine. The interface is interesting and the choice of components is more than correct in many areas. Thus, choosing a processor or a graphics card allows you to scan the current offer. On the other hand, when it comes to components that Corsair manufactures itself (RAM, SSD or power supply, for example), things are immediately much more restrictive. Nevertheless, the tool is interesting for those who do not want to get their hands dirty.